Thursday, December 31, 2009

Such a nice craft for Christmas!

We really enjoyed quilling a few of these sweet snowflakes for the tree! Would you like to try them for next year? You can see the basic pattern here (you don't have to use the red paper background)

We used 1/8 inch strips of white paper and a quilling tool. You can buy the tool at a craft store (and precut strips if you want) or you can even use a toothpick in place of the tool. They look nice with 1/4 inch stips as well, which might be the size you get if you use a paper shredder. Here's a web site that gives you basic instructions for quilling

In the following picture, my daughter used gray and tan in addition to white. Hope you try it!

1 comment:

  1. Yea!!!!!!!!!! How fun for you! I had my mouth open as I read your encouraging letter to me. How sweet you are!!!!!!!!! I am so excited about your blog and your beautiful snowflake. I will come back again and look at the links. I just walked into the house and just had to come and say hi and sign up to be your 1st follower. So excited for you!

    Your header is just adorable. You did a wonderful job on your first blog.

    I remember you when you asked about the star. Glad you could use some of my ideas. Makes my heart sing!!!!!

    Blessings sweet friend, Linda
    Prairie Flower
